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The world as I see it. Links to the best on the web. If I had a blog this would be it. But I don't.

Monday, November 15, 2004

Another great tool for syncing and general playing around with your sony ericsson via bluetooth is floAts's Mobile Agent, a GPLed and very tasty looking application on sourceforge. only problem? like everything bluetooth related (or mobile phone related) it's a cast iron pig to get working.

floAt's Mobile Agent Online

One day, mobile phones will manage to provide really useful services without requiring get ripped off by the con-artists that flood the business, or reading dozens of pdf only unintelligable papers produced by 'standards bodies'.

I mean, how difficult can it be? I own a mobile phone and various computers. They are clearly capeable of commicating - All I need now is a simple, sero-cost method of syncronising very common styles of data between the two. Surely almost everyone would like to able to do this. Anyway, the struggle continues.

I've got a screenie of my latest start page, which manages to combine a lot of what I am after into a single resource, accessable from anywhere. This uses FOF as the back end for the newsreader rather than booby, since I like the caching function of FOF. The bookmarks are static at the moment, until I get around to sorting out my folders on booby into a useful order.

When I'm finally finished with this, it will provide a custom start page after the style of MS outlook or evolution's start page. Emphesis will be on providing me with all my vital information and web-based tools with maximum speed and minimum fuss.


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